CT233 Information Systems
Assignment 4
Due: April 1st, 2004 (Leave in my mail slot in IT Department)


  1. If you have not used HTML before, type (or copy and paste) the examples from Introduction to HTML into an editor (e.g. Notepad) and save the file with a .htm or html extension. Type the examples one by one and view the result after each new example is added. To view the result of your changes: Open a browser (such as Internet Explorer) and choose the Open File command and select your html file.
  2. Create your own home page and analyse some sites. The home page may contain general information on you and your hobbies or may concentrate on one hobby/topic such as your favourite band, singer, author, football club, etc. Whatever topic you choose you should be able to provide 4 links to the topic and analyse those four sites based on points discussed in lectures. See below for more details.

More Information for Task 2:

The web page should include: See Alice’s homepage as an example (To view HTML, choose the View Source option).


  1. Decide on content ... what you want to say and search for links you are going to use using a search engine such as google
  2. Create your document using a text editor (e.g., Notepad or a WYSIWYG package such as Dreamweaver)
  3. Look for links and pictures on WWW and include these in your file.
  4. Experiment with different colour schemes and layouts until you are happy with the page. See for colours .
  5. If you have access to a server you can put your web page, and all associated files, there and provide me with the url details. Otherwise put all files on a floppy disk and make sure that all links are updated. Name the main file on your disk using your first initial and surname, e.g., a_smith.html
  6. Test that the pages can be viewed properly from the floppy disk ... you might want to swap disks with a friend and check each others' web page.
  7. Note: Once you make changes to you html file you should re-save file and click the reload button on your browser to view the changes.
  8. Remember HCI considerations for your own web page also!
  9. See: for special characters

To hand up:

  1. Url or disk with all required files for task 2. Please ensure files can be read from disk, otherwise I will not be able to view or give marks to the web page.